
Make Wednesday Great Again



How might we re-engage ambivalent young Sydneysiders whilst maximising midweek ticket sales?

The product that we were given to work with was a promotional offer of 2 for 1 deals on tickets, meals and drinks every Wednesday. Our core objective was to create an always-on campaign to drive signups and awareness of weekly offers. 


We conducted a survey research to learn more about our audience. Through this we found that our targeted demographic perceives Sydney Opera House as:
– not great value for money
– not for ‘people like me’
– mostly about classical artforms
– only for special occasions.

“For Millennials, everything starts and finishes online.” –

We also found on average they:
– Spend 7.2 hours online each day
– Watch online videos for 2.4 hours per day
– Spend two hours and 38 minutes on social media daily.


Taking learnings from the insights, we set ourselves a personal problem statement, with the belief: if we can provide a solution that meets the following requirements, it will give more meaning to the business.

How might we re-engage ambivalent young Sydneysiders and shift their brand perspective of Sydney Opera House?


We pitched a creative idea and strategic process to make Wednesday great again. We deliberately used language that is relevant to the demographic at the time and delivered with a satirical approach.


  1. A series of 30 second video teasers were created and promoted through social media.

  2. Followed with static social posts.

  3. Every Tuesday an email was sent out and from 5pm until midnight Wednesday, the landing page
    shows what deals are on offer.

Click image to play or open video in new window

Click image to play or open video in new window

Click image to play or open video in new window



Within six months we reached:
– 9,900 new subscribers
– 45% open rate
– 21% click-through

We listened to our insights, and created an online only campaign specifically targeting our demographic.
Our strategy proved successful and the results were outstanding. This campaign achieved the highest number of new signups, open rate and click-through for any FY19 campaign. It also generated 200% above the revenue target.

Completed at Sydney Opera House
Worked with Common Ventures

campaign outputs
– video
– Microsite
– Social Media content